
Declaration of the Bab

  • In 1844, Siyyid Ali-Muhammad (known by His title, the Bab, which means "the Gate") announced that He was the bearer of a Divine Revelation whose aim was to prepare the world for a Messenger of God--Baha'u'llah. The anniversary of that declaration is celebrated by Baha'is and their friends all over the world.
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My 9 Tips for Creating Imaginative Spaces for Elevated Conversation

June 1, 2017, in Articles > Baha'i Life, by

Shoghi Effendi tells us “everyone is a potential teacher. He has only to use what God has given him”1 and when the Universal House of Justice speaks of “people hailing from every human group, inspired by the Revelation of Baha’u’llah” that will “give expression to patterns of thought and action engendered by His teachings” and evolve “new elements of culture,”2 it is talking about you!

A few months ago I hosted an art show birthday party to usher in my 29th year. I wanted to accomplish many things, mostly to unite my spiritual and artistic communities in an uplifting atmosphere of elevated conversation. I really wanted my guests to be encouraged to have meaningful conversations from the get-go. 

To summarize, I gave each person present half a quote and asked them to find the guest with the other half and to discuss what they thought the quote meant. I then asked them to choose, from among my paintings which I had laid out, a piece that best matched the quote. If they wanted to, guests could also create a memento of their own using the quotes and some decorative papers that I provided. To my surprise, the event has lived on in ways I never anticipated. You can read about it in this excellent American Baha’i article, or learn about the icebreaker I developed in more detail in this short vlog.

After some reflection, I’ve identified nine principles I believe contributed to its success and I wanted to share them in case they provide you with some new ideas:

1. Looking at limitations as guideposts

Your present circumstance holds unique avenues of service for you to discover. Know that limitations hold the key to opportunity, see them as guideposts. You can start by looking directly at what has held you back in the past. One challenge I faced was the distance between my work friends in Los Angeles and my spiritual community in the suburbs. This reality inspired me to use my birthday as an occasion to bridge these communities. Doing so fostered a spirit of celebration that may not have been present otherwise.

2. Creating your own culture

As we are all equal partners in creating our Baha’i culture, whatever you wish to see, create it! Be it more dynamic consultation, greater incorporation of art, or better punctuality, you have the capacity to influence these things. There is some contribution only you can make. For example, I travel half the year for work, so holding regular events or activities just isn’t feasible for me at this point in time. However, I can host and apply my resources towards occasional events.

3. Being a “false dichotomy” buster

Replace an “either, or” mindset, with an “And!” mindset. Embrace that there is no conflict between serving your family and serving the Faith. Or excelling professionally (or in school) and growing spiritually. You can do both, and trust they will reinforce each other. My elevated birthday celebration was also a professional event. It was an art show, after all, and it was the fact that I was open to commerce that necessitated the invention of the icebreaker to incorporate the spiritual element. I think connecting art with spiritual reflection actually deepened our collective appreciation of both.

4. Sharing with joy and courage

Rejoice in sharing your passions and beliefs. Part of that for me was literally bringing artwork out of the closet to share with my community. Another was honoring the concept of aging, or having birthday parties, in a spiritual context. Lastly, of course, I shared my Faith and love of meaningful conversation in a way I had never done before.

5. Drawing from your own interests

Sometimes we second guess what other people “want” instead of just sharing what we love. Whether you’re craving a jam session or a reason to try out new recipes, trust that these instincts are pointing you in the right direction. I love art and deep discussion. Some attendees came for the art, others for the discussion, surely many came simply to support me (which I think is a natural result of putting yourself out there), and some came for the party. The different elements of the event actually enhanced each other. The art expanded our understanding of the spiritual, the spiritual illuminated the art, and a memorably uplifting experience was created.

6. Being direct with your guests

This principal is hugely important for the integrity of your relationships. I’ve invited friends to events that turned out not to be what we expected. It isn’t worth the risk when delicate matters of faith and spirituality are involved. There is a place for every kind of event, just be clear and up front about it. Very often the same friends will still attend, they will just come knowing what to expect, and I think they’ll trust you more in the long run. My invitations clearly stated that it was a “pay-what-you-can” art sale and promised a “meaningful group discussion.”

7. Being honest with yourself

If something feels uncomfortable ask yourself if it is because it’s inappropriate, or because it’s a healthy push outside your comfort zone. If you don’t like something or it doesn’t feel right to you, let that inspire a solution. It was acknowledging all the things I find awkward about parties that created the framework for my event.

8. Delegating and being inclusive

Ask for help, draw from resources in your community, and look for ways to share. For example, after our group dialogue wherein everybody shared a quote and related it to a piece of art, we enjoyed a communal spin on the traditional “Happy Birthday” song. Everyone received a homemade cupcake (made by my friend Julia) with a candle on it. We all made wishes (or set intentions) and blew our candles out together.

9. Being flexible – mistakes are gifts!

Make plans, but once things begin, the event belongs to your participants. The most important thing is the spirit that is imparted to them. Allow inspiration to flow and host as a gift to others. The result will be far better than if you controlled everything — even if you could!

I think it’s important to be bold, creative and personal and to remember, striving for excellence in all things, doesn’t mean giving up if something can’t be perfect. I hope these tips have inspired you and if you have any ideas or stories you’d like to share about how you created spaces for elevated conversations, I’d love to hear from you in the Comments section below!

  1. Shoghi Effendi, Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand, p. 34 []
  2. Universal House of Justice, Message dated 12 December 2011 to all National Spiritual Assemblies []
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Jacqueline Claire

Jacqueline Claire is all about making the world a kinder, more beautiful place and discovering every day what it means to be a Baha'i. She is an artist and blogger currently illustrating a Baha'i children's project. To see and read more visit JacquelineClaireArt.com.
Jacqueline Claire

Discussion 12 Comments

Thank you. I find that very inspiring and will use some of them.

Aine Keane

Aine Keane (June 6, 2017 at 7:20 PM)

Awesome! Love to hear about your experience when you do!

Jacqueline Claire

Jacqueline Claire (June 6, 2017 at 3:49 AM)

Thank you for sharing such a lovely and inspiring concept. I will be using variations of it for a number of upcoming events in the community.


Sean (June 6, 2017 at 10:24 PM)

So glad to hear it! Good luck!

Jacqueline Claire

Jacqueline Claire (June 6, 2017 at 3:50 AM)

Such great ideas!!! Thank you. I too will try to put them or something in place. I have been thinking about what can I do, how can I do it. At this time in my life I have physical disabilities that make my social life pretty small. But I do have neighbors……….so let me see what I can do.

Ruth Bush

Ruth Bush (June 6, 2017 at 10:59 PM)

Absolutely, Ruth! There is some unique and beautiful contribution only you can make.

Jacqueline Claire

Jacqueline Claire (June 6, 2017 at 3:52 AM)

Thank you for sharing your experiences. It further inspire me to incorporates some of your ideas in my monthly fireside.

Lee Ying

Lee Ying (June 6, 2017 at 12:28 PM)

☀ Great idea to start many kinds of get-togethers….. thanks! Baha’u’llah promised He would give us the words if we just turn to Him at the opportune moment and make the effort to speak with another soul. And in our Ridvan 2010 letter, the UHJ felt moved to make clear that what made them happiest – happier than achieving the goals of that Five Year Plan a whole year early! – was “the rise we have observed in the capacity of the friends to converse with others on spiritual matters and to speak with ease about the Person of Baha’u’llah and His Revelation. They have understood well that teaching is a basic requirement of a life of generous giving.” ☺

Absolutely love your line in #5 – “Sometimes we second guess what other people “want” instead of just sharing what we love.”
❥ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ❤

Brian D :-)

Brian D :-) (June 6, 2017 at 3:55 AM)

Beautifully said, Brian!

Jacqueline Claire

Jacqueline Claire (June 6, 2017 at 5:10 AM)

Yay! That’s wonderful!

Jacqueline Claire

Jacqueline Claire (June 6, 2017 at 5:11 AM)

I liked very much your inspired idea with the quotes to create discussion and match it to your art! Your enthusiasm and intention was felt – I’m an artist myself and found your creativity refreshing in focusing people’s attention – great use of intuition!

Derek Greenbury

Derek Greenbury (June 6, 2017 at 6:40 AM)

Awesome! Thank you, Derek.

Jacqueline Claire

Jacqueline Claire (June 6, 2017 at 5:12 AM)

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